Training & Placement Cell is an integral part of the institute and its inception was right from the first batch. It has enough and well needed infrastructure for its effective functioning. It is headed by highly rich industrial and academic experienced people. SVIT is accredited by TCS & L&T for campus recruitment drive. The T&P Cell is in constant touch with the corporate world for the placement of students. T&P Cell also include interact with the various companies through the placement officers meet at regular interval and provide them the facilities to conduct campus interview etc. Many reputed organizations from the industries visit the campus to participate in the placement activity. To achieve its goal, the Training & Placement Cell works towards recognizing the core competencies of students. It works through a close knit organization and has a structure which conveys information to the students at the fastest possible rate. There is also acting involvement of the faculty and students in T&P Cell in the form of placement committee with a whole heartedly contribution.
T & P Cell organizes and plans its activities before the start of the academic calendar. There is abundance of activities like
Placement officer & Assistant Professor